I decided that for the next step in the process, I would need a much bigger more real experience. So I went outside and taped and retaped the dimensions of my screen to see formyself what would be best. Because of Corona, still… It has been so freaking long…, I asked my family members to assist me in this process. They would “navigate” through it and give feedback based on their experience. Like a true UI/UX designer.
So, my first candidate was my sister, she’s 18 years old. And of an average length for her age (1m60). She found that the screen was big enough to capture the attention but once in front of it, it was quite big. I explained that not everypart is part of the interaction zone and that she was allowed to move around. Iasked her what she thought was more logical when you were to press on a Antwerp Giant. She said that the pop-up info screen should pop-up in the middle soothers could see it too. The size of it was okay. She mentioned that the text was okay to read but it shouldn’t be much smaller. Then I asked her to place the buttons, she immediately said. “Ah are these buttons? They’re quite big”. Which got me thinking. Should I make them smaller? She placed them in a, for me, unexpected place.
See pictures.
Next, I asked my mother, she and my sister are about the same height so I didn’t have to redo that much, the only difference was that my mom thought it best that the pop-up should be shown were you would tap. Which made sense, but I told her that in a museum your seldom alone. So what if others were looking at the screen with you, “ah” she said “then it best be placed int the middle, a little more to the top. So everyone can see.” Next I had her place the buttons, just like I had my sister. She had a little more logic to the placing. According to her the buttons needed to be grouped together, so the navigation would be easily recognized and not in the way of the information and such. See pictures.
Finally my brother came along and he had a whole book of things he would change. First he thought that the pop-up board was too big, “your standing one foot away from the display why do you need a board so big?!” I explained that in a certain scenario more people could be watching from a greater distance. “Ah, than you need more displays!” … Silence. More displays?... I thought to myself, yeah that could work. But why? I asked him, “well, your eyecatcher would be the interactive artwork of the Antwerp Skyline, so that needs to be displayed at all time.” Okay, another valid point for an extra screen. I said I would take it in to consideration, but we needed to proceed with the prototype as it was for now. He also placed the buttons in a place he saw fit. He placed them…Alongside the pop-up. See pictures. Which again was not that bad of an option.
Than he gave me some more feedback. What if, when you tap on an Antwerp Giant and the pop-up was to appear on a different screen. That would give you the space to move the skyline around and reveal other Antwerp Giants, or at least their location. And what if when you pressed on the next Antwerp Giant, some kind of progress bar would keep track of all the connections you would have made. Making every experience unique. Yet another thing to consider.
So inconclusion there where a lot of options. I decided to take the feedback into consideration and would use the button lay-out as my second user had placed them. The other users agreed that that was a viable option. I chose to stick to one screen for now but I will keep the suggestion in mind. For the assignment does not state the use of two screens. The progress bar or history bar was a nice touch, so I’m going to try and integrate that into my design. Revealing more scenario’s when tapping on a Giant is also something I will integrate in the usability.