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Low Fidelity Prototype

Low Fidelity Prototype

The Prototype

For thelow fidelity prototype I chose to make a cardboard and paper “simulation” ofwhere the user would stand and interact with the product. This way I would geta better idea of where to position everything within the display/product whilenot wasting too much time.


So, itwasn’t a bad idea to test these things out. The first thing that slapped me inmy face was the fact that I hadn’t even considered the height of the screen.What would be the optimal height to hang my display? The second thing was thatas impressive as it would have been to have a big skyline if Antwerp ondisplay, the bigger it would be the harder to navigate through, when yourstanding 50cm in front of it, it’s hard to see the big picture let alone dragand drop Antwerp Giants in the right location. I decided it was best to leaveout the drag and drop feature. Instead it would be the users objective to findthe Antwerp Giants who are already in the skyline, by moving the buildingsaround other parts of Antwerp will be revealed and little stories could befound, like Wannes Van de Velde who is singing in the streets of Antwerp. Tapon him and a small screen would pop up with more information and an option formusic or a fragment from the Giant. When focusing on a particular story therest of the city goes dim. So the audience is focused on the one story.

After the mid fidelity I came back here to see what it would look like with a second screen. A screen that would display the information and video fragements. I'm beginning to like that idea more and more.

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