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Wannes Van de Velde

Niemans Florian
Antwerp Giant

Wannes Van de Velde

Antwerp Giant

Wannes Van de Velde was a real Antwerp Giant. The son of a metal worker, born in Antwerp on the 29th of April 1937. His early years forever marked by the start of WWII left him as a uncompromising pacifist. As the war progressed he fled to Roeselare with his mother. It is there where he first heard the sound of the bagpipes. After the war his interest was in history, music and languages. From his first music teacher he learns folk songs and after his graduation and service in the army he starts his career as a folk musician and real troubadour. His first LP appears in 1966 and brings a folk revival with it. Apart from his music career, Wannes is also part of a theatre. In 1968 an Art gallery is opened called “the black panter”where Wannes plays some songs at the opening ceremony. His peak moment is a collaboration with Mistero Bufflo. The influence of Wannes is still recognized this day. The Antwerp musician Tourist LeMc, a modern day Troubadour, he reuses the lyrics from one of Wannes’ famous songs: “Ik wil deze nacht in destraten verdwalen” (I want to get lost in the streets tonight).

Biografie Erfgoed Wannes Van de Velde. (2012). Wannes van de velde. | Peremans, D. (2016). Wannes (1ste ed.). Epo, Uitgeverij.

Niemans Florian
Florian is the founder of the Antwerp Giants Project.

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