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Lange Wapper

Niemans Florian
Antwerp Giant

Lange Wapper

Antwerp Giant

Lange Wapper

The “Long Wapper” (Lange Wapper) is another mythical figure from Antwerp folklore. He lived alongside the banks of the Schelde. Legend has it, that the spirit appeared in the night to chase and harass drunkards in the street. First as a little kid but would grow as he chased people through the streets. When they arrived at home, The Long Waver would look through the window. He would also take the form of a newborn baby, when women gave him breast feeding he would regain his true form and scare the woman to death.

The mythical figure appears in some of Willy Vandersteens’ comic books such as "The Black Madam" (De Zwarte Madam, 1949).

Wikipedia-bijdragers. (2021b, mei 27). Lange Wapper (reus). Wikipedia.

Niemans Florian
Florian is the founder of the Antwerp Giants Project.

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