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Hugo Claus

Niemans Florian
Antwerp Giant

Hugo Claus

Antwerp Giant

Hugo Claus was a Flemish writer, poet and director. He was the most award winning author in the Dutch area. His most famous work is the novel “The Sadness of Belgium” which he published in 1983. Besides books and poems he wrote theatre plays. In the 80’s he was the drive behind the filming of H. Conscience’s The Lion of Flanders. Which tells the story of “The Golden spurs battle” (DeGuldensporenslag). Hugo won the Oeuvre prize of the Flemish community in 1999. This prize is only awarded once every three years and is an award that evaluates the writers entire career. In2015 the Letter House in Antwerp acquired Hugo’s entire legacy.

Wikipedia-bijdragers. (2021d, juni 15). Hugo Claus. Wikipedia.

Niemans Florian
Florian is the founder of the Antwerp Giants Project.

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