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Niemans Florian
Antwerp Giant


Antwerp Giant


Silvius Brabo was a mythical figure from the flemisch folklore. According to the legend, he was a roman soldier who defeated the giant Antigoon. Brabo chopped of his hand and threw it in the Schelde. By doing so he declared the city’s new name, “Antwerpen” wich comes from hand throwing or in dutch ‘hand werpen”. Aldo it’s highly unlikely that this myth is true, ruins of an old roman settlement were found near “The stone” (Het Steen).

In honor of this myth Jef Lambeaux build a statue in front of the city hall. Jef Lambeaux was another famous Antwerp citizen, worth mentioning. He is however not included in this project.  

Wikipedia-bijdragers. (2021, 17 mei). Silvius Brabo. Wikipedia.

Niemans Florian
Florian is the founder of the Antwerp Giants Project.

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