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Bart De Wever

Niemans Florian
Antwerp Giant

Bart De Wever

Antwerp Giant

Bart was born in 1970 in Mortsel, Antwerp. His family was politically engaged. He studied history at the University of Leuven en was part of the Flemish Liberal Student Alliance, it was clear that politics ran through his veins. In 2004 he took over the chairmanship of the rightwing conservative party N-VA, New Flemish Alliance in the Flemish parliament. He is known for his sayings inLatin. A few years later he was elected Mayor of Antwerp and now resides inCity Hall. With a view on the Brabo statue, he now rules over Antwerp. As mayor he was requested to speak at the funeral of Gaston Berghmans. The two Antwerp Giants had recently met at Gaston’s 90th birthday and made plans to grab diner, sadly that never came to pass. | |

Niemans Florian
Florian is the founder of the Antwerp Giants Project.

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